Peter Lloyd

The Old School House


Peter Lloyd - Fine Hardwood Boxes

Peter Lloyd is a craftsman working from his small workshop in Cumbria UK, where he produces, by hand, a limited number of fine hardwood boxes.

Peter Lloyd

Peter Lloyd

Sycamore Walnut Chessbox

Box for chess set and board

"I search out unusual and beautiful pieces of wood from which I create jewellery boxes, jewellery chests and writing boxes."

Each box arises from a careful study of the shape and figure of the wood and reflects a balance between the needs of the design and the natural qualities of the material.

Every finished piece is a celebration of its wood. Each box is unique, completely handmade, the larger boxes are numbered and signed and "will undoubtedly be cherished as a future heirloom."

The old school house

The Old School House

Peter Lloyd's path to becoming a craftsman was by no means a straight one. After working at Heathrow airport as an air traffic control assistant he then changed direction completely and pursued a career in hotel and catering management. There then followed a job in the retail trade and it was during this period that he began to settle into one direction. A craft and design teacher was the goal - reached by part-time study and working as a bench joiner.

Having worked for some years as a secondary school teacher in Cumbria, Peter then took up a two year teaching contract in Botswana, moving there with his wife and two children.

Back in Cumbria Peter was now determined to be his own boss. Long ago he'd made a jewellery box for his girl friend; there was a stunning piece of burr-oak; there was a perfectly serviceable garden shed and there was a gap in the market. Peter Lloyd Fine Hardwood Boxes was born. Customers and interest gradually started to swell and it was soon time to abandon the shed for a custom built workshop.


The old work shop

New workshop

...and the new one

"Peter is now firmly established as one of the country's foremost boxmakers. Inspired by the unusual and striking English hardwoods he continuously seeks he has a passion for boxes. The excitement and enthusiasm with which he creates his gorgeous pieces is self-evident. As well as several solo exhibitions in Europe his work has been exhibited in some of the best galleries in the UK." Making Heirloom Boxes

Tiny Dovetails

Tiny Dovetails

Wooden hinges

Wooden hinges